Has STATKING been audited by FDA?
Yes, we were audited by FDA in January 2010 and passed with no findings.
Has STATKING ever been audited by potential clients?
Yes, many times and we welcome site audits by potential clients.
Does STATKING have SOPs in place?
Yes, we have SOPs in place for all our processes.
What types of products does STATKING service?
STATKING personnel have worked on clinical studies for medical devices, drugs and
Has STATKING worked with the FDA committees to obtain product approvals?
Yes, STATKING personnel have worked with FDA committees at both CDER and CDRH to
obtain product approvals for our clients.
How experienced is the STATKING staff?
The STATKING staff has a mean of 10 years experience in clinical trials and a median
of 8 years experience in clinical trials.
How many projects has STATKING completed?
STATKING has completed over 300 studies in over 20 therapeutic
Are clients required to use all of our services?
No, the client can utilize the services offered by STATKING that meet the clients